I hope all you moms and moms-to-be had a great day yesterday. I spent a few hours on the phone with my moms yesterday, and it was good. I don’t talk with my step-mom as frequently as I do with my mom, and it was nice to catch up with her.
On the other hand, I call my mom nearly every week, usually on Mondays as I’m driving home from work. Though I’m thinking we may need to adjust our schedule since she’s started a new job and is working on Mondays now and she’s been exhausted at the end of the day.
Anyhow, it was nice to just sit and chat with each of them about this, that, and the other thing without any distractions. I never really know what to get them for Mother’s Day, and this year was no exception. And thanks to the way my stoopid calendar was printed, I actually thought Mother’s Day was next weekend and ended up not getting anything, not even flowers or a card, for either of them. Bad daughter.
Hey kids, you know those nifty “coupons” you gave your mom for Mother’s Day. The ones for free vacuuming without complaining and free picking up of dog doody in the yard and free back/foot rubs? Mom is going to hang onto those forever and try to cash them in when you’re 40.
Trust me.
And you’re going to hate picking up dog doody at 40 just as much as you hated it when you wrote those coupons and thought you were being so generous. So kids, next year, remember to put expiration dates on those damn things. You’ll thank me later. I’m just sayin’.
Actually, if you want to start planning now and get some good ideas for Mother’s Day 2011, check out this post at Dadcentric. I tell you, I’ll take that afternoon with Rico Suave, and I’m not even a mom.
Well, I’m a mom to my kitties, but apparently that’s not the same. Scoob told me the kitties didn’t have any money so they couldn’t give me anything for Mother’s Day. That’s when I told him it’s daddy’s job to give them an allowance and take them shopping. But since dad didn’t fulfill his part of the bargain, instead I got a pile of barf by my bedside in the morning courtesy of Madame Barf-O-Matic. I know she just wanted to make sure someone gave me something. She’s so thoughtful.
Anyhow, after talking to mom, I discovered she couldn’t read my blog with the last design I put on it. Seemed like a few elements were missing and she was trying to read dark text on a dark background, so I’ve switched things up again. This one seems simple enough, and she can read it.
I’ve been getting requests for an update on our hummingbird nest and I’m sorry to say that we missed the whole thing. I noticed momma bird was hanging out in her nest a lot, so I assumed she’d laid her eggs. But then we had rain several weekends in a row and I couldn’t get outside to take a decent picture. Last weekend Scoob was sitting outside and noticed two little heads peeking over the top of the nest. I got out the camera and he got out the ladder.
Unfortunately, the ladder scared the beejeebers out of the babies and they flew off. Yes, they FLEW off. Apparently they’ve been hatched for some time and have already had their flying lessons. They still hang around the nest and their feathers don’t have any shimmery colors yet, and their beaks and tail feather are still very short, but like I said—we missed the whole thing!
I'm working from home today so Scoob can have the car to go to the dentist. This is only the second time since we sold his car in January that we've had to work out car logistics. Kinda makes me wonder why we didn't sell it sooner. Anyhow, since I'm at home today, I'll be able to spy on the hummers and try to get some more pictures.
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